Growing into scholarly diversity

The Vulgate Institute is growing into research. The change of name to Vulgate Institute – IOVS is far more than just an extension in letters; for the Vulgate Institute – IOVS (International Organization for Vulgate Studies), as the youngest sub-section of IOSOT (International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament), has set itself the task of making research on the text and cultural environment of Jerome’s Vulgate sacra fruitful for current exegesis and textual criticism.

We are pleased to be part of the IOSOT 2022 in Zurich and to present the latest academic thoughts on the topic «Importance of the Vulgate for the textual critisism» on Tuesday 9 and Thursday 11 August 2022.

For questions or suggestions please contact the co-director of the Vulgate Institute Lic phil Brigitta Schmid MTh ( ). 

We look forward to seeing you in Zurich and to the mutual scholarly exchange.

Unsere Zeitschrift ist im «Olymp» angekommen

Mit Freude teilen wir mit, dass unsere Online Review «Vulgata in Dialogue» am 18. Juni 2021 in den ERIH Plus Index (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) aufgenommen wurde:

«The processing of the journal «Vulgata in Dialogue. A Biblical Online Review» has been finalised. The journal has been approved for inclusion in ERIH PLUS. The ERIH PLUS listing of the journal is available at »

Das ist eine grossartige Anerkennung für die Wissenschaftlichkeit unserer Arbeit und der Beiträge in der Zeitschrift und ein grosser Ansporn mit den Autorinnen und Autoren weiter an der hohen Qualität von «Vulgata in Dialogue» zu arbeiten.

Das Herausgeberteam

Michael Fieger, Brigitta Schmid, Wilhelm Tauwinkl