Annual report of the president

Due to the restrictions imposed by the regulating activities against the coronavirus the supporting association of our institute, the Vulgata Verein, cannot hold its annual general meeting in Chur this spring 2021. Instead we invite you to read the letter of the associactions President Martin Schulze, in which he describes the activities of the past year for the members of the association.

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Jährlicher Bericht des Präsidenten

Der Trägerverein unseres Instituts, Vulgata Verein, kann seine reguläre, jährliche Mitgliederversammlung in diesem Frühjahr 2021 aufgrund der Einschränkungen durch die Massnahmen gegen das Coronavirus nicht wie gewohnt in Chur durchführen. Der Präsident Martin Schulze hat in einem Brief an die Mitglieder des Vereins das vergangenen Jahr revue-passieren lassen: Link zur Homepage des Vulgata Vereins.

Zum Bericht

Vulgata in Dialogue

Has everything been said about the Vulgate? No, definitely not!

Engage yourself in the current discussions and arguments about Jerome’s Vulgate with the latest  issue of the Online Review Vulgata in Dialogue. Form your own opinion on

  • Jerome as a controversial polemicist
  • Jerome as a conversation partner of the Swiss reformer Huldrych Zwingli
  • Jerome as a teacher of modern exegetes
  • Jerome as interpreter of the minor prophets
  • Michelangelo’s literal interpretation of the «horns of Moses» in the Vulgate.

If you have any questions or suggestions, write to us:

We are happy to hear from you.